woensdag 13 augustus 2014

33 Hours Worth of Unity Tutorials

Hello it's Joel here again! This will be a long post with another 46 hours of YouTube and self-study material from Unity basics to some more advanced tutorials. 33 of these 46 hours are Unity tutorials and the first 13 hours are focussed on C# on itself.
This was intended for my own study but maybe it's of some good use to you as well. 

It's been a while since I looked into programming (and some other stuff) within Unity and I must say I never really picked up programming like I planned too in the first place. I'll be honest with you, it just isn't my thing. My talents are those of game design and since recently I'm into game marketing as well. I used to do a lot of 3D modeling as well but that too is on hold for now...

Anyway! That doesn't mean I can't make myself a list of the tutorials I've watched to help myself, and maybe other who read this as well, to get the basics of the Unity software and some programming knowledge down. The combined length of the tutorials is not 33 hours, it's actually shorter than that. The 33 hours are the hours I spent watching and sometimes rewinding tutorials, mimicking them and messing around with the code myself. Maybe you won't need 33 hours like me to finish the following tutorials but it gives you a rough idea of the time needed.

C# Fundamentals: Development for Absolute Beginners:
Tutorial series length: 7 hours
Time spent watching videos: 9 hours
Time spent messing with code: 4 hours
Total time spent: 13 hours

In this tutorial series the C# basics are explained very thoroughly in a step by step manner. This is a very good way to either refresh your C# knowledge or to learn the basics if you are new on the subject. For me it has been a good way to get a better understanding  of the language itself apart from it's use in Unity.

The following topics are explained:
C# Introduction
Your First C# Program
Dissection the First C# Program You Created
Quick Overview of the Visual C# Edition IDE 
Declaring Variables and Assigning Values in C#  
Branching with the if Decision Statement and Conditional Operator in C#  
Operators Expressions and Statements in C# 
For Iterations in C#  
Creating Arrays of Values  
Creating and Calling Simple Overloaded Helper Methods in C# 
Iterations and Reading Data from a Text File in C# 
Working with Strings 
Working with Date Time in C# 
Understanding and Creating Classes in C# 
More about Classes and Methods in C# 
Working with Classes and Inheritance in the Net Framework Class in C# 
Understanding Namespaces and Adding References to Assemblies in C# 
Understanding Scope and utilizing Accessibility Modifiers in C# 
Enumerations and the switch Decision Statement in C# 
Gracefully Handling Exceptions in C# 
Working with Collections in C# 
Filtering and Managing Data in Collections using LINQ in C# 
Understanding Event Driven Programming in C# 
Concluding Thoughts C# (For Beginners)
C# Fundamentals Important Series Update Source (For Beginners)

Acem Gaming: Unity Game Design Series:
Tutorial series length: 2 hours, 53 min 
Time spent watching videos: 3,5 hours
Time spent messing with code: 1 hours
Total time spent: 4,5 hours

This tutorial series is focussed on game design within Unity. It does have some programming stuff in it but the YouTuber also explains some key features in Unity that are useful to know and other tutorials usually skip because, for some reason, they assume everyone can figure those things out on their own. To me, the falling death, keeping score and a few GUI tutorials were really interesting, especially when these three are combined. You could have a very small 'game' working already then.

The following topics are explained:
Part 1 - Cameras
Part 2 - Switching Cameras
Part 3 - Falling Death
Part 4 - Buttons
Part 5 - What is a Game Object?
Part 6 - Displaying Text to Player
Part 7 - Keeping Score
Part 8 - Tags
Part 9 - Random Data
Part 10 - GUI Buttons
Part 11 - SetActive
Part 12 - GUI Tooltip
Part 13 - GUI Toggle Button and Muting Music
Part 14 - GUI Toolbar
Part 15 - GUI Text Field & Text Area
Part 16 - GUI Sliders
Part 17 - GUI ScrollView (Scrolling)
Part 18 - GUI Windows
Part 19 - GUI Compound Controls & RGB Slider (color changer)
Part 20 - GUI.PasswordField (Passwords)
Part 21 - GUILayout (Automatic Layouts)
Part 22 - GUI.Skin (Custom GUI)

Acem Gaming: Unity C# Tutorial Series:
Tutorial series length: 3 hours, 44 min 
Time spent watching videos: 4,5 hours
Time spent messing with code: 3 hours
Total time spent: 7,5 hours

This tutorial series is focussed on learning the basics of C# within Unity. In the first video the difference between Javascript and C# is explained. The following videos are focussed on C# and follows a step by step introduction from the basics to some more advanced topics about using C# in Unity.
If you are new to Unity and C# I recommend you start from the very first video of this series. It makes a whole lot more sense to see these videos in their proper order to understand the topics that follow each other up.

The following topics are explained:
Part 1 - Javascipt and C# Differences
Part 2 - Variables
Part 3 - Operators
Part 4 - IF and ELSE Statements
Part 5 - Loops (While, Do, For)
Part 6 - Methods (Functions)
Part 7 - Arrays
Part 8 - Access Modifiers
Part 9 - Classes and Constructors
Part 10 - Class Inheritance
Part 11 - Static Keyword
Part 12 - Null Keyword
Part 13 Comments and Regions
Part 14 - Foreach Statement
Part 15 - Switch Statement
Part 16 - Type Conversion
Part 17 - Using Namespaces
Part 18 - Lists
Part 19 - Dictionaries
Part 20 - Enumerations (Enum)
Part 21 - Multidimensional Arrays
Part 22 - Recursive Methods
Part 23 - Get/Set Accessors

ETeeskiTutorials - 4 Hours of Making C#Shooter! From Nothing to a Game [Unity3D Livestream]:
Tutorial length: 4 hours 
Time spent watching videos: 4 hours
Time spent messing with code: 0 hours
Total time spent: 4 hours

This was awesome. I just sat back and enjoyed the ride for four hours long. In this video this guy tries to make a game in 4 hours while having no experience in C#. He is a programmer and does know other programming languages but wasn't familiar with C#. 

He was doing this via a live stream and to make this game he asked the people watching his live stream to come up with ideas and comment in the chat box of the stream. He also asked for people to make artwork and send it to him. At the end he didn't make any art himself, everything was made in co-operation with the viewers, which is really awesome to see.

At the end of the four hours he technically has a full game but it doesn't have win state yet or a score counter. It is very inspiring though to see what can be achieved in four hours and in co-operation with other people via the internet.

I really enjoyed this video and I really recommend you watch it too because it has a learning side to it apart from that it's just interesting to watch. It's a different approach in making games with a community and makes people think together and come up with solutions for programming errors of difficult situations.

ETeeskiTutorials - [UnityQuickTips] list of tutorials:

Tutorial series length: 5 hours 
Time spent watching videos: 6,5 hours
Time spent messing with code: 2 hours
Total time spent: 8,5 hours

From the same dude as the four hour long video game making video. This is a list of some very useful Unity tips and the subjects vary. Personally I like the 'FPS What NOT to do!' video and the 'Explosions Affect Rigidbodies' video. There are a lot of useful and specific videos in this playlist so I suggest you regularly come back and take a look if there's something useful for you in there.

Another thing that maybe nice too mention is that in a few tutorial he explains the given topic in C# as well as in Javascript which is pretty useful to compare with each other.

The following topics are explained:
Unity 3D - Rigidbody VS CharacterController
Unity 3D - Physics, Gravity, Mass, and More
Unity 3D - C# or Javascript?
Unity 3D - Basic Raycast (Javascript & C#)
Unity 3D - RaycastAll (Javascript & C#)
SphereCast & CapsuleCast (Javascript & C#)
Raycast LayerMask (Javascript & C#)
Super Simple Mecanim in Unity4
Textures, Shaders, and Materials
Explosions Affect Rigidbodies
Physics Layers
FPS What NOT to do!
Variable Types
Beast Lightmapping
GameObjects and Transforms
The Local/Global Button
How to transfer Unity3.5 games into Unity4 
Local and World Space
How Prefabs Work

How to make a Car game - Playlist
Tutorial series length: 5 hours 
Time spent watching videos: 6,5 hours
Time spent messing with code: 2 hours
Total time spent: 8,5 hours

I felt like learning something funny and specific and I happened to come across this playlist of how to create a 'car game' within Unity. This really fun to watch and as I watched I followed along although I have to admit I didn't copy everything exactly as he teaches in the videos. Then again I guess that's the idea of following tutorials.

The following topics are explained:
#1 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - Setting Up Test Scene
#2 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - Setting WheelColliders
#3 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - Basic Movement
#4 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - Car Camera
#5 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - Wheel Rotation
#6 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - Steer Lock
#7 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - Steer Handling
#8 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - Deceleration Speed
#9 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - Speed Limit
#10 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - Realtime Material Exchange
#11 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - Wheel Positioning
#12 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - Handbrakes
#13 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - Friction & Slip
#14 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - Tweaking
#15 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - Engine Sound
#16 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - Skidsound
#17 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - SkidMarks
#18 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - SkidTexture
#19 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - SkidSmoke
#20 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - Speedometer
#21 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - Collision Effects
#22 How to make a Car game - Unity 3D Tutorial - Finale