maandag 21 oktober 2013

Unity Tutorial - Clock Tutorial

Date: 19 October, 2013
Time spent: 1,5 hours

Tutorial by:

In my quest to learn the ins and outs of Unity and C# I decided to start with some simple tutorials and on I found a few good ones.

The first tutorial described in detail how to create a clock with a simple script and three cubes that indicate the hours, minutes and seconds.

The good part about this tutorial is that it's just reading text but in the good way. If a text tutorial is written in a clear way and the right additional images are provided then it's pretty useful.

if you want to read this tutorial yourself you can do that here:

Unity Tutorial - Introduction to C#

Date: 10 October, 2013
Time spent: 15 minutes

Tutorial by:

I watched a free tutorial on the basics of C#. This is unfortunately just an introduction and you have to be a paid user on Digital Tutors to watch the entire course.

Here the very basics of C# usage in Unity is explained.

If you would like to watch this tutorial yourself you can watch it as a free user on:

Unity Tutorial - Beginner's Guide to Unity

Date: 10 October, 2013
Time spent: 2 hours

Tutorial by:

In my quest to learn the ins and outs of Unity and C# I decided to start by watching tutorials of the basic elements of Unity and C#.

I'm hoping that this way I will be able to get a better understanding of the C# language by using Unity (and MonoDevelop) to create small apps/games that just work with a certain purpose in mind.
This tutorial (Beginner's Guide to Unity) explains the basics of the program and for what purposes it can be used.

If you would like to watch this tutorial yourself you can watch it as a free user on: